(First of all, I should acknowledge the massive gaps between when this actually happened and when I posted a blog about it. Chalk it up to avoidance issues.)
The squrls in this particular park are so tame they'll come right up to you if they think there's the chance of a snack. Of course, those humans without snacks to pacify said squrls have to back away sharpish in case there's a backlash.
Here are some pelicans...or possibly a giant white flamingo, or some other bird with extraordinarily long legs...

Here's a photo I dare anyone to resist titling "The Royal Wee":

Here comes the obligatory Close-Up-Macro-Shot-Of-Plant-Life:
Once upon a time, three Zissises went to visit the Queen...
...or at least the place where she lived...sometimes. On our way to Buckingham Palace, though, we stopped off in St James's Park to chat with the locals.
Anyway, one quick rainstorm later we made it into Buckingham Palace, the inside of which there are unfortunately no photos (blame the unreasonable demands of "security") but we did see some beautiful pieces of art, a secret passage or two and (get your exclamation marks ready) Her Majesty's Hat Collection! Huzzah! We were told that visitors to the Palace are made to feel as comfortable as possible, and that all your dietary needs will be carefully considered and provided for. Aw.
History Lesson: During the first World War the palace was the target of bombing raids, and was in fact hit, not far from where King George VI and Queen (consort) Elizabeth were at the time. Royalty, it turns out, are made of pretty stern stuff, and within the hour they were out and visiting the East End of London, which had been heavily bombed.
It is, rest assured, a beautiful palace, and the backyard is apparently kept in a constant state of sunshine. Observe.
After that we took a leisurely stroll around the Palace Gardens, which contains a lake, and a fairy ring of mushrooms (of which I took about twelve photos before I realised there was a park attendant watching me and smirking, like I'd never seen a mushroom before)...
After we'd had our fill of Buckingham Palace I took Mum and Dad on a cross-city endurance trek (I don't think my assurances that "I'm pretty sure this is the right direction" were winning their confidence) to find the Best Pies In London, available at the Newman Arms.
I had the lamb and rosemary, in case you were interested...
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