Last day on the farm. I made the most of a sunny morning by going for a walk around the fields. Here's the farm in sunlight:
Wandered down to find this pretty little meadow - some serious frolicking ensued.

After that it was time to head off, this time via a different route and the hope that it would at some point lead to familiar roads. Turns out to have been a bit of a winner, because rounding one of the steep corners of the fells I was confronted with this sight:
What the...there's another one!!
Further on down the fell I found the source of all this: a section of road either side of which was full to bursting with caravans, hacks, ponies, kids with rat tails and what I assumed were gypsies. Naturally I had to get out and say hello to the ponies.
Especially this one, who was rocking a funky looking 'do.
My Little Punk Rocker.
All this was presided over by police who were, by their own admission, less than speedy.
Get it? GET IT?
Moving on, back to the head of the Kirkstone Pass, stopping at the inn/pub at the top, which must do a heck of a lot of business. Looking out the window I could see people climbing the rocky mountains around us, and this sight.
I still don't know what the heck that is.
Anyway, thus endeth the holiday, and I'm happy to say that I neither received a speeding ticket (far too scared of the narrow roads to even approach the speed limit) nor a scratch (none that the hire car people noticed, anyway), and made it back to London in one piece.
I did, however, stop traffic at one point to grab this photo. Couldn't resist.
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