So. A bit of history. Originally a twin city of Stalingrad, it went on to become the twin city of 27 or so other cities (including Parkes, NSW - WOO! AUSTRALIA). Faithless hussy. Coventry is also (in a somewhat related note) the place where Lady Godiva strutted her stuff down the high street on her infamous laundry day, and where Tom Peeped (this for those who don't know, came from the fact that when Godiva came riding nekkid through the town everyone looked away [allegedly] except for Tom, who was subsequently "struck blind". That'll teach him. Still, a fairly formiddable girl whose Bits can render another human being sightless). Still, it's a warning to us all. And I studiously kept alert for any nekkid people on horseback so I could shield my eyes. Alas, none came.
Coventry is also the origin of the phrase "to send someone to Coventry", which basically means to shun someone and not speak to them or acknowledge their existence. Harsh, man. Harsh.
Fairly heavily bombed during World War 2, the once beautiful cathedral's ruins are still there, and my friend Ilona's daughter, Mai, had great fun climbing over them.
But here's the canal.
We ate lots, Mai and I were hushed in a local pub for making too much noise, and then, sadly, it was off home again to London. Byeee!